Tufts 2002 Roll xx

Tufts 2002 Roll xx

Edit Album

General Album Theme Custom Fields Watermark

These are album-specific custom field settings. Common fields are available on all items; Album and Photo fields can be assigned only to items of the appropriate type.

Edit custom field values for this album
Revert to global custom field settings for this album


Set the display order and visibility of the fields below. Summary fields are typically displayed with thumbnails in an album view. Detail fields are usually shown when viewing the specific item.

Common Fields Album Fields Photo Fields
Field Summary Detail Order
Field Summary Detail Order
Field Summary Detail Order


Save any changes above before using the controls below.

Common Fields Album Fields Photo Fields




Picklist Values

Custom fields allow freeform text entry by default. Enter values below to restrict field values to a specific list of choices. Enter one choice per line. Remove all choices to return to freeform text. Note that existing field values will not be changed or deleted when a picklist is added.

Add a custom field above to enable this section.