Tufts 2002 Roll xx

Tufts 2002 Roll xx

Edit Album

Choose a theme

Themes control the look and feel of the album. You can choose a different theme for each album. If you don't choose a theme, we'll use the Aida theme by default.


Configure the Aida theme

These settings only apply to the theme for this album.

Setting Value Use Global
Rows per album page
Columns per album page
Show image owners
Show album owners
Show micro navigation thumbnails
Blocks to show in the sidebar
Available Add
Selected Remove Move Up Move Down
Blocks to show on album pages
Available Add
Selected Remove Move Up Move Down
Blocks to show on photo pages
Available Add
Selected Remove Move Up Move Down
Thumbnail links in dynamic albums
Album Frame (View Samples)
Item Frame (View Samples)
Photo Frame (View Samples)
Color Pack