Tufts 2002 Roll xx

Tufts 2002 Roll xx

Edit Album

Sort order

This sets the sort order for the album. This applies to all current items, and any newly added items.



Every item requires a thumbnail. Set the default size in pixels here.

Resized Images

Each item in your album can have multiple sizes. Define the default sizes here.

Active Target Size (pixels)

Apply settings to existing items

The thumbnail and resized image settings are for all new items. To apply these settings to all the items in your album, check the appropriate box. Including subalbums will apply each album's own settings to its thumbnails/resizes, which may not match the settings above. Building images now makes this operation take longer, but saves the time to build and cache each file when it is first viewed.

Image Block

Random Highlight


This will enable or disable ratings for this album and, optionally, for its subalbums. You can use permissions to allow viewing or adding ratings for specific users or groups.

Enable rating for this album

Define picture size limit

Maximum dimensions of full sized images

Maximum file size of full sized images in kilobytes

Checking this option will rebuild pictures according to appropriate limits

Checking this option will set same picture size limits in all subalbums